An incredible $500,000 has been donated towards our new homes by the Sutherland Self Help Trust.
Hohepa is on a mission to provide more homes for people with intellectual disabilities to be part of a supportive community and enjoy a life fully lived.
At an event on 31 October 2019, our campaign aiming to raise $2.2M for two new fit-for-purpose houses, which will provide a home for 12 people with intellectual disabilities, was officially launched.
There was even greater cause to celebrate when a $500,000 donation to Hohepa Canterbury was announced at the event from the Sutherland Self Help Trust, by board chair John Sutherland. The Sutherland Self Help Trust has been giving since 1962, for the purpose of providing financial support to community organisations which support the disabled and disadvantaged, and it has been a long-term supporter of Hohepa. This incredible gift will be acknowledged by naming one of the two new buildings after the Trust, which will be known as Sutherland House.
John says the gift has been given after a long history of past support and connection between the Sutherland Self Help Trust and Hohepa from the 1970’s, with both organisations beginning in the 1960’s, and through their shared mission of supporting people living with disabilities.
“Anytime that I visit Hohepa it is a joy to do so. The calmness, friendliness and happiness of all the people both residents and staff is always great to experience. The Sutherland Self Help Trust is honoured that one of the two new homes will be named after our Trust,” he says.
Hohepa has been working alongside families of the people they support with intellectual disability for over 50 years, embracing mind, body and soul to care for the whole person, not just deliver a system of care. Our philosophy is based on Anthroposophy, ‘the wisdom of the human’, which is the driving force behind their unique holistic approach. The people supported by Hohepa are valued and contributing members of the community.
Each of the people supported by Hohepa have individualised care plans tailored to their unique needs, preferences and aspirations in life. In many cases this support occurs over a person’s adult lifetime, with their needs being catered to no matter what changes occur to them in terms of their health or situation.
The support they receive is vitally important to allow them to flourish and reach their potential. The two new homes have been carefully designed through consultation with the Hohepa community and will be beautiful buildings inside and out.
Arnah Trelease, General Manager of Hohepa Canterbury has been working in the disability sector for over 20 years, and says she sees the impact of Hohepa’s unique ethos on a daily basis.
“There is a huge demand for a home with us at Hohepa – currently there are over 50 people on our waitlist. Hohepa does things differently and families want to make sure their loved one will thrive and fully enjoy life; our supportive community environment enables that to happen.”
The fundraising campaign aims to generate all funds for this project by early 2021 and the buildings built and occupied later that year.
If you would like to discuss the project, or can assist in any way, please contact Arnah Trelease on 027 801 9034, or email .